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Covid-19 and the changes it could spark

Covid-19 and the changes it could spark

The changes that the new way of working will have on businesses post Covid-19 is still to be determined, however, some of the changes are already being experienced. During the lockdown period, interaction with the outside world continued and people found very creative...

Free or paid advertising – which is better?

Free or paid advertising – which is better?

Is that a trick question you may ask? Free marketing sounds great however, it may be very bad for the long- term survival of your business. Being able to open a tap and consistently generate the leads your business needs is what every business should strive to...

Finding the opportunities during challenging times

Finding the opportunities during challenging times

The world is currently in lockdown due to the Corona Virus pandemic and many businesses are struggling to keep afloat. The businesses that see the opportunity and keep a balanced mindset during these times are the ones who will not only survive, but thrive. What can...