The world is currently in lockdown due to the Corona Virus pandemic and many businesses are struggling to keep afloat. The businesses that see the opportunity and keep a balanced mindset during these times are the ones who will not only survive, but thrive.
What can individuals and businesses do to get through this period?
There are a number of strategies you can employ, the most important is having the right mindset.
It’s easy to get frustrated by what will happen and be stuck in the frustration or the uncertainty of the future. Being focused on the fantasy of the past or the future is what keeps people frustrated and in fear.
It is so important to keep a positive mindset during this time. Stay in the moment, don’t focus on what the future holds or does not hold – be present. Staying in fear about where we want to be and where we would rather be frustrates us.
Look at what the facts are today. Look at how to take the existing reality you are living in and think out how to change this reality to take greatest advantage of the opportunities that are present.
How is your current reality helping you get what you need to get? It’s time to look at where you are right now and be clear about your strategy. Then begin to focus on the actions you need to take today.
- Consider pivoting.
Take a step back from your business and think creatively about the opportunities and solutions available to you. Start to figure out what the needs are today! This forces you to think creatively about what people need and how to solve those needs better than anyone else.
- It’s time to get clear on your mission
Look at where you are and begin to develop a strategy to get you to your goals. Get clear on your strategy, so that you set real objectives.
- Go back to what really matters and do the basics right.
If you’ve been everywhere in the haste of running a business, getting new clients and searching for solutions, then now is the time to relook at what you’ve been doing. During this quiet time start to reflect on the things that made your business work. Look at the things that brought you clients.
- Learn new skills and explore new technologies
Start simply by focusing on one new skill or learn that new technology you’ve been putting off for as long as you have. Times of adversity help you take new paths and new opportunities. Yes, it’s a difficult time for all of us but DIG your mind out of that!
- Stop and look at what the needs are of the people you are trying to serve.
Holding onto the way things were doesn’t allow you to explore the opportunities currently present.
Provide high value content to your ideal clients to help them overcome the challenges they are facing. We are all on different journeys but right now, we are sharing a boat. Let’s help by rowing together.
The problems and solutions to the challenges you face lie within you. Watch your thoughts, focus them on creating further than the pandemic and create the inspiration you want by getting back to reality.
If this has helped you think up ways of moving to new opportunities, let me know. I would love to hear from you. Email me on